Pipeline Monologue Project

Part 1: What we've been learning.


In this unit we studied the Keystone XL Pipeline and its impact. We also studied the question of global inequality, and the Millennium Development Goals.  The Keystone XL Pipeline is a proposed extension to the Keystone Pipeline, which runs across America, from Alberta to the Gulf of Mexico, transporting tar sands oil. The Millennium Development Goals are goals that were set by the United Nations in 2000, in order to make for a happier planet as humans and to bring global equality.


Our class studied the Keystone pipelines issues and benefits toward people with different different lifestyles. The pipe itself was already created a was proposed to expand, but was turned down, three years ago the proposal came up again and we have been debating about this ever since. We also looked at the millennium goals which were plans to make the world a better place by 2015. We discussed the success of the issues by discussing with each other. Finally we look at the world equality in general and how in some places we learned the difference in economy around the world and how uneven it is.

Part 2: The Facts


  • Would transport 830,000 barrels of oil a day. (TransCanada Keystone XL)

  • Construction projected for 2015 if passed. (TransCanada Keystone XL)

  • Proposed to run from Alberta to Alaska. (TransCanada Keystone XL)

  • Would generate 20,000 jobs. (TransCanada Keystone XL)

    Caused spikes in rates of rare cancers. (Keystone XL Pipeline foe.org)

    • “The estimated 20,000 new jobs have been a key selling point for Keystone XL”(PBS.org)

    • “protests against Keystone XL in front of the White House, which led to the arrests of more than 1,000 people” (www.nytimes.com/)

    • Would reduce oil use in other countries by 40% (TransCanada)

    • Would carry 830,00 barrels of oil daily (Foe.org)

    • levels of carbon dioxide emissions are three to four times higher than those of conventional oil, due to more energy-intensive extraction and refining processes. (foe.org)

Part 3: The Monologues

Monologue 1: A Dog's View - by Jordan
A homeless man and his dog sit outside the white house begging for money. A crowd of protestors stand in front of them yelling about the pipeline. The crowd shouts to gain the attention of the white house and no one really cares about the man and his pet.

Dog: What are those hippies doing now, they make hard to sleep. (looks to homeless man) Hey buddy,  tell them to shut up (stares at man sitting next to him) You‘re useless. (Lays his head down) What are they even protesting, its like everyday there's something new, (says in mocking voice) we need shelter, we need food, no one cares! (He sees a flyer pass by him from the crowd) What’s this (reads it) Keystone huh,well... WAIT! (Jumps up on all fours) Over 20,000 jobs will be created, this is pure genius, why hasn’t this been built, aside from helping the environment and basically damaging land this is the greatest chance to get people like us from off the street. Why isn’t it happening  (Scowls at crowd) Those idiots, because of them were still on the street. You (looks at homeless man) fix this, go over there and show them what they are doing to us. (growls) Get up, come on, show them what the plundering unemployment rate has done to you.(Waits) You’re useless! These people are denying us the luxury we deserve and you sit here staring aimlessly looking for some to hand you what you want, you have to fight for it. They wouldn’t be protesting if they were kick out onto the street lost and alone... (looks away) Howling at the night sky. Put through the test of time wondering if i’ll make it to the next day drifting like a piece of debris and seen as such-  NO! you’re the reason (points at homeless man) Why did you drag me down with you? What is the point of taking me with you if you are not able to support me?! All I want is a home and a family who loves me. You have no home no money you can’t even provide for your self why did you take me with you?

Monologue 2: A Caring Father - by Adnan

Liam Crossworth is the father of a family that’s living in Fort Chipewyan, Alberta. His mother and grandmother have both died from Breast Cancer, though his mother was only diagnosed with breast cancer after the first part of the Keystone Pipeline was built, and it was being used. They live downstream from a tailing pond, a place where polluted water used in the refinery of Tar Sands oil, is stored. Ever since the tailing pond was put there, there have been increased rates of cancer at his village.

Liam: (Sits down in his chair and uses the remote to turn on the news.) Hm, I wonder if anything interesting is on the news today. Hm… (Turns volume up on remote.) Wait... what? Keystone XL Pipeline?! No. It can’t be. They can’t be deciding to make that monstrous titan of pollution bigger? 830 thousand barrels of oil a day? It will start here, too… this isn’t good. 3 barrels of water used just to extract 1 barrel of oil? What will happen to the tailing pond up the stream? Will it get bigger, become more toxic, or both? They can’t possibly be actually thinking about approving the pipeline. Sara….. no, they can’t. They can’t build this pipeline. Sara would be even more likely to get cancer like mom and dad. I’ve been worried about Sara ever since she was little, I never thought that they would allow the first Keystone Pipeline, but now they’re talking about an extension to the toxic thing?  No, this is really bad. I have to do something about this. If we don’t move or I don’t do something to stop this, and Sara gets Cancer… it’s just unthinkable. I would hate it for Ramona to get Cancer, either. I don’t want any of my family to get Cancer, I don’t know what I would do without them. Also, what will become of the animals in the area? If they all leave because of this huge thing being built in place of their homes, what will I do? What will I research then? Will we become homeless? This is just too much to take in...I have to tell Ramona about this. If this stuff about the pipeline keeps up, we’ll be forced to move. (Footsteps echo off-stage.) Hm, is that her coming now?

(Sara’s mom enters the room, and Liam stands up.)

Hey, have you heard about this Keystone XL Pipeline that they’re talking about on the news? ...No? Basically it’s going to be an extension on the pipeline that they already have now.. yes, tar sands oil. I know, I know, the tailing pond has already contaminated a lot of the drinking water. Yes, we will probably have to move if they approve this. But what will we do with grandpa? These days he can hardly get into another room much less outside. This news would be devastating to him, and it would cost us a fortune to move him out of the house, with all of the medical help he would need. Yeah… okay, I’ll tell him. (Liam exits the stage.)

Jordan:This is a well written description about the pipeline it is well written and can keep a steady flow of information. But, this main character needs to discuss more about why he cares, I understand he does it for his family, but If you could find deeper meaning that would help.

Monologue 3: An Old Soldier - by Adnan

Edward Crossworth is the grandfather in the Crossworth family, and has been living in Fort Chipewyan, Alberta all of his life. Currently, he is 98 years old and he has been paralyzed from the neck down since he was shot in the spine in the Vietnam and has been being taken care of by his family since then. He’s lived in the same house his whole life, and now he’s learning of the Keystone XL Pipeline and the threat it poses.


This darn TV is too loud. (Picks up remote and turns off the TV). Ah, I think I’ll read the good ol’ fashioned newspaper. (Picks up newspaper.) Ah, I can’t quite see. Hmm.. where are my glasses. (Picks up glasses.) Ah, there we go. Now, let’s see… “Keystone XL Pipeline”, hm? What’s this about? Damnit, I’m tired of them always building new things to kill us all off! What’s the matter with young folks these days don’t they have any respect for what’s here and what should stay here? (Takes a deep breath.) Sigh… I have to calm down, if my my blood sugar rises again, it won’t be pretty. (Footsteps echo in the hall=way) Liam! Liam, come back! Did you hear about the Keystone XL Pipeline? On the news, you say…? What!? No, but I can’t move... Yes, I know, the girls... but you know it’s tough for me to get around... How am I supposed to move too? Yes, it is a big problem indeed… No, I haven’t taken my pills yet today… I know, I know. This water is dangerous to drink especially for someone my age. You know this stuff killed off Charlie, right? I’ve known him since we fought alongside on the shores of D-Day, and now nothing is left of him but memories and this house we built together brick by brick. I simply refuse to move to another place, especially since it’s not like I have many days left (Edward coughs in a hacking manner.) Heh, well… I guess my body agrees. (Liam switches the medicine bag in Edward’s IV for a new one.) What are we gonna do? Well I don’t know what you’re going to do, but I’m staying here.. I don’t care if you have to move, you can go if you want. I built this house with Charlie, as a testament to our survival in the war, and I refuse to leave it, not until I’m dead!

Monologue 4: A Worker's Care - by Jordan
Hey have you ever wondered about what we're doing, when we build this pipe or who it will affect (Waits for answer, puts down the hammer and stares at him person it to him) You think that we're helping the America get oil, Ha, you’re so oblivious to the pain and suffering that goes in to each place we pass, pipe is probably going to really hurt America. An example is a group of 1,253 people risked being arrested to stop the pipe from expanding, This thing stretches across three major drinking rivers, the Missouri,Yellowstone and Red River. Imagine, in few years after we finish the pipe a break could happen near the Missouri river which destroys the amount of drinking water in that area.(listens to other worker) I get that transcanada promised to clean any where that the pipe breaks, but they can't undo the damage that is done. Plus it’s tar sands oil that means instead of floating like normal oil it sink to the bottom of the water making it much harder to clean and takes even longer to fix (listens) What do you mean ‘we will make it strong’! If the pipeline is decided to be finished in the 20,000 jobs that will be created 14,000 will no longer exists.(Listens) Well I didn’t chose this job, plus what other jobs could I get, I never graduated college  I took this job to get payed that doesn’t mean I have to like it, why did you take it to? Most likely for the same reasons I did. in fact I think that you now see the impact of this dreadful  pipe. In fact, I know a group of pals who don't want the pipe either, they're planning to attack trans canada through another protest.

Monologue 5: Outsider - by Jordan
Hello can you put Mr. Obama on the phone? (Listens) Ohh I’m sorry “president” Obama, can I speak with him  need to take to him about this so called, oil proposal. Ok I'll wait. (waits) Hey Obama what this I hear about a pipe line passing through the US? This kind of sounds like you're leaving us for another person, but I know you wouldn’t.(Listens) Your area! Really! Well, this is a shocker, why didn’t you stay with us we’ve been partners many years, what do they have that we don’t. (Listens) War? Really as if Canada doesn’t have war, what we do is just a minor disagreement.(Listens) I know there have been rumors about oil money going to the wars and supporting the enemy but are oil at least won't damage your ecosystem. Our oil doesn’t dangle over three major drinking sources, we safely transport. We ship it you pick t up you pay use,  it seems fair to me.(listens) I get that the distance of canada is more efficient, but does efficacy equal a promise you made to your people, remember way back when you said you would work on the environment? Well the type of oil your drilling is not for you if that is the case, I mean it’s tar sand a dangerous unhealthy unclean oil, Unlike the oil we’ll give you which is “clean”. (Listens) You're not just doing this for me your doing for your country. Plus this canadian oil will only last 10 years, the oil we have 56% percent of the world’s oil in our hands, if you stay with us we promise you will not have to worry about one day losing oil for a much longer time. (Listens)So you’ll consider it? That’s great don’t worry I promise that if you do re join us you won’t regret it. (Hangs up Phone) Wow I can’t believe, I got president Obama to see that funding war in a different country, is better than  getting oil from an allied country in the same continent as they are in. I almost feel bad that such a powerful person could be so gullible (laughs to himself) What a tool!!! Of course he still has to agree, but how can he refuse? He been with us for so long that we are almost like family to him unlike transcanada, we can’t be turned down!
