Portfolio #7 (Journal Entries)

Introduction: During the whole year i feel that my jounal was the only way i can express myself. Unlike other people that just post it on facebook. Well this is 4 of my best journal entries i did in the whole year.

7. A time when you wish you could drop a part of your identity...


            There have been many times when I wanted to drop a part of my identity. But one is when I wanted to drop what race I am. When first moved to Philly and went to school people used to always make fun of me because of Asian. But they all thought I was smart so they keep copying my work, and when I said no, they told me not to leave school. I already knew what that meant. But to be safe I left. But I learned to live with it and as the year went on everything change. School for me was fun after that.



8.  A time when you were part of a group but didn’t want to do what the group was doing...

            Once me and my friends were bored, so we decided to go rob someone on the streets. I was in the 5th grade but had a smart mind. I couldn’t decide if I should do it or not. But be the careless me I did. So we saw a random boy on the street and hit him, we didn’t notice but there were cops right near us and 2 of my friends got locked up, except me because I didn’t do nothing but watch. Now I think if I did join them that night my life may have been kind of different. I mean being dropped home by cops after being looked up, my mom would of never looked at me the same way.


9. What are people’s expectations of you? What are your own?

            I have high expectations being given. A C in my family is a failure. But I always get a C. I argue with my mom all the time telling her its not that bad, but you know most Asian parents are strict when it comes to school. My expectation is that, if I am working my ass off in school and still get a C that is perfectly fine. At least I know I tried my best.


15. What is a “hero”? How would you define it?


To me a hero is no someone you look up to or adore; it is someone who makes a change in the world. For an example Rosa Park is a hero. If it weren’t for her, colored people would still be sitting in the back of the bus. Why would you call someone like lil wayne a hero when all he did was influenced drugs, and make music to the world. Where you can have someone like Obama as a hero because he is the first black president ever.
