Post For Change

 To spread awareness about my topic I’m reaching out to my advisory class at my school. I plan on showing them a movie called “Crash” then having a discussion about it and to get their opinions on the movie and what they think about racism overall. I also have discussion questions for my advisory to answer after the film.


This movie is about people of different races who live in Los Angeles with very different lives. Some how they collide in each other’s life and they turn out to need each other. For further information about the film heres a link to the movies main page with a lot of things for your intrest.



                  (A photo of the cast from the movie)


 I’m planning to watch the film with my advisory on Thursday, May 31, 2012 and Monday, June 4, 2012. I’m also considering playing a game with my advisory. My English teacher played this game with my class in the beginning of the year. She put a line of tap in the middle of the room. Then she asked questions about our life and other things. If the question applied to us, we would step u to the line, if not you would stay in place. This game helped everyone learn more about each other and the things we have all been through. I plan on doing this with my advisory to try to get them to open up more and to learn more about them. I want them to express their opinion about my topic because everyone has a voice. I hope that they will give me more ideas on how to make a change even further than just trying to stop it in my community, but maybe the sate and so on.


To spread even more awareness about racism and how we can stop it, I’m creating “stop all racism” posters and hanging them up all over the city. By seeing this on street corners and everywhere people go, maybe it will make people think twice before saying some thing racist or even doing a racist action.

Maybe by doing my part, others can help and contribute to stopping racism. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion also, so racism will carry on as long as people who don’t like a race that’s not theirs are against them.




