Power behind the throne

For decades the presences of executive assistants have been crucial to the success of their boss. Executive assistants play an active role in organizing almost every aspect of life for their manager. The reality is that many bosses would be lost without their executive assistant. In today’s modern societies executive assistants are often expected to have both managerial skills and a much greater involvement in what their boss does.

Throughout the book, Piggy helps Ralph in almost every difficult situation he gets put into because of his position as leader. For example, in chapter two of the novel Piggy helps Ralph by organizing and identifying all of the boys as he records all of their ages and names. Piggy also brings up a variety of logical ideas that could help them as a group but they were useless because no one would listen to him. Later in the novel, Piggy becomes Ralphs advisor telling Ralph everything he needs to know as a leader. Ralph then would reiterate the information to the rest of the boys in a charming manner. Another example from the novel “Smoke, he said, we want smoke.” He turned on the twins fiercely. “I said ‘smoke! We’ve got to have smoke.” There was silence, except for the multitudinous murmur of the bees. At last, Piggy spoke, kindly. “Course we have. Cos the smoke’s a signal and we can’t be rescued if we don’t have smoke.” I knew that! Shouted Ralph (p.173). In this situation, Piggy had to explain to Ralph why the smoke was pivotal to the success of their rescue off the island. Piggy’s intellect was imperative to Ralphs success as a leader.
