
Screenshot 2017-04-20 at 9.52.41 AM
Screenshot 2017-04-20 at 9.52.41 AM

Printmaking is was one of the few things that is often overlooked as one of the most revolutionary inventions. The printmaking above is by the artist Sarah Gayle Key , it is a relief print, and it depicts a flower in a true artistic form. This image caught my eye because it shows small details in the flower and shows the variation of the different shades of black. Printmaking was traced to the 1500’s starting in China. Since then it spread all around the world and different types of variation of printmaking were invented. Since the rise of printmaking it had revolutionized the world in many important ways. For one , spreading knowledge through imagery was limited, however after print making was invented images were everywhere and allowed things to travel faster. In the image above you can see that the artist tried to depict the details of a flower. I wonder how she created the different shade variations. The drawing as a whole is very pleasing to me. Without printmaking we would not be where we are now.
