Printmaking Blog Post

​    My element was palladium the atomic number was 46. Palladium has two significant roles. It is used in rings and also in catalytic converters. My options were only between the rings and catalytic converter because those are its most popular uses. And most people don't know what a catalytic converter (a component of the exhaust system) is. So, I decided to make a ring. For the process I had to first draw my idea, then I had to trace it onto print paper, which then had to be printed onto the foam. And from there I duplicated the sketch with different colors. If I were to do this again I'd probably ask for help with the foam part because I was pressing down so hard the sketch paper began to tore, but it still didn't come out the way I wanted it to. My favorite part of the project was the research aspect because it gave me an idea of what I was doing.
