Printmaking Blog Post

IMG-5824 (1)
IMG-5824 (1)
My element is Calcium (Ca). The atomic number for calcium is 20. Calcium was discovered in 1808 by Humphry Davy, a English chemist. It got it's name from the latin word, Calx, meaning lime. Calcium's main function is to strengthen bones. As you can see, my imagery is quite simple. I made a cow, which creates milk, which is the most common example of calcium. The cows eyes are limes, which is the meaning behind the root word (Calx). 
To make this I first drew a design on regular paper. Once I had a design I was okay with, I then transferred it to tracing paper. After, I used that to carve out the design on styrofoam. Finally, I printed the design from the styrofoam onto a piece of paper with different colors of paint. I kept trying with different colors until I got the ones I liked the most. 
Next time I would definitely try harder to create something I could be really proud of. But since I didn't handle my time well it came out like this. I enjoyed the actual printing process; putting the paint on the styrofoam and transferring it to the final paper. It was fun to try the different colors and see how it would come out each time. 
