Public Institutions and Social Media
My benchmark can be viewed here!
I was lucky to hear about Joe Murray's Twitter from a friend of mine, and it struck me as a great topic for this benchmark. I'd never heard of it before, but it interested me and it was quite positive. The hardest part was then finding other examples of public institutions and social media, but I'm happy with the ones I did find because in most respects they are pretty unrelated. They cover a wide range of topics. I do think this topic will receive more attention as it becomes clear how important social media is to communicating in this day and age. Overall, I learned that more institutions use social media than I'd realized, and I shouldn't assume one doesn't just because I don't already know about it. Often they simply aren't advertised much.
I was lucky to hear about Joe Murray's Twitter from a friend of mine, and it struck me as a great topic for this benchmark. I'd never heard of it before, but it interested me and it was quite positive. The hardest part was then finding other examples of public institutions and social media, but I'm happy with the ones I did find because in most respects they are pretty unrelated. They cover a wide range of topics. I do think this topic will receive more attention as it becomes clear how important social media is to communicating in this day and age. Overall, I learned that more institutions use social media than I'd realized, and I shouldn't assume one doesn't just because I don't already know about it. Often they simply aren't advertised much.
Fieldler, Elizabeth, auth. "Philly Cops Bust Crime In 140 Characters Or Fewer." National Public Radio. N.p., n.d. web. 17 May 2012. <>.
Mulholland, Jessica. "Philadelphia Police Officers to Start Tweeting at Work." Government Technology. 17 April 2012: n. page. Web. 25 May. 2012. <>.
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