Q1 Monologue- Alejandro Bautista-Garcia, Ameer Holmes

Monolouge #1 - Ameer

(Son of a construction worker of the keystone xl)x2

Two children meet up at a construction site and talk about their father’s work

Peauterbread is sitting on an oily pipe

Peauterbread: aww man I soiled my trousers sitting on this stupid pipe!

Peauterbread: ehh... What

*smacks himself in the face softly

Peauterbread: what is peasant mean?

P: I'm not a kid. I'm 6 years old now

*holds up 4 fingers

P: anyways you don't look too old yourself

P: wow a rich amount of money... must be a lot...

P: Well what’s your name dude

P: Uhhh… ok… My names Peaturbread. My daddy works here... He knows a lot about the keystone XL project they're working on

P: My daddy says that it helps out a lot with the green house gasses...

P: The world has too many greenhouse gasses… wha? So… this is actually bad? Hey! my dad's not stupid!

P: well maybe that's not what my dad said but he's not stupid.

P: my dad says jobs help the economy... So it would be a good thing that he's working here, and those

P: How is what I said dumb? It helps the economoly, or the umm... The umm.. Economy

P: What not true!!! And I never called youuu smart at all.

P: Well no... But my daddy sure knows a lot about the pipeline.

P: whhaaaaaat boooring!!! All i know is that its a one way pipeline and its giving my daddy a way to support his family

P: I’m not a child!

P: I don’t want to hear about this stupid pipeline. It’s just a reason for my father to get a little extra money

P: My father is working on the pipeline.

P: My daddy only needs to work here because he takes care of me by himself… so he needs the extra money.

P: What is divorced mean?

P: Well my mom left when I was 2… so I guess thats what you mean?

P: What do you mean my parents only separated because of me?

P: My Parents do love me!... My daddy does all he can to take care of me… and my mommy only left because he was abusive.

P: Shut UP!!!! you act like your family is sooo perfect, Shut  up!

P: See You have problems too. Don’t go around attacking other people you big hypocrite!

P: Do you think it’s all going to be all right? Because you know your father might get poorer and poorer! Don’t think everything is going to be all right.

P: Wait so you don’t actually like this pipeline? All this time...

(Peauterbread slowly walks away…)

P: How sad.

Son  number one:

Who: Son #1 Peauterbread

What:  Talking to a horrible bratty kid

Where: construction one keystone xl

Why: His father works their

How: he is board.. another kid is bored. the other kid walks up for convo… conversation… argument… explain facts about keystone fathers come to pick them up

Monolouge #2- Ameer

Sean walks up

Sean: Peasant!

Sean: peasant. entertain me

Sean: hmf never mind that. What are you doing here? This place isn't for kids.

Sean: I'm 9. and my father is a rich man. He has a lot of money

S: I’m Sean… I don’t really need to know… your name

S: If he knew a lot about the Keystone XL why would he be working here?

S: This world has too many greenhouse gasses, and the Keystone XL emits too much of it. If he thinks that greenhouse gasses help the environment your dad is stupid.

S: He is stupid! He’s definitely not as smart as my father.

S: anyways with those rags you're wearing your family must be working here for the 20,000 jobs it's opening up.

S: Those 20,000 jobs it opens up however, don't help the economy. It’d be killing more jobs than it creates… I know I’m smart, don’t thank me. Hah, you made your father sound dumber than you realise, or maybe you're just the dumb one.

S: Do you actually know anything about this pipeline?

S: well this is a 1700 mile pipeline. So this pipeline will cost a looot of money and make my daddy a lot of money-

S: ugh children… I’m trying to explain to you trash… how this works. Maybe it’s because you’re only a six year old child.

S: This line runs from Canada all the way to the gulf . It’s a one way North American Pipeline.

S: Wait… What does your father do here?

S: Oh haha! He’s one of those guys. Doing manual labor.

S: So. wait your parents are divorced or something?

S: Like Separated

S: Your parents only separated because of you..

S: Your Parents don’t love you.

S: Simple... lame... laborer problems

S: My family is perfect. Or… at least it will be again once my dad makes money off of the pipeline...

S: that’s a big word for a little boy like you… hypocrite… wow! My family is only in a temporary financial crisis. My father made a bad business deal is all.

S: No… No I’m not talking to you anymore… I don’t even like this silly pipeline… Your right. This is probably a bad deal

S: If one thing goes wrong with this pipeline it’s all over… I single pipeline traveling 1700 miles… a 7 billion dollar project… If one thing goes on it’s all over…

(Peauterbread slowly walks away… leaving sean to sulk)

Son number two:

Who: Son #2 Sean Paul Smith the second

What:  Talking to a kid who is poor

Where: construction one keystone xl

Why: His father works their

How: he’s bored.. another kid is bored.he walks up for a convo… conversation… argument… explain facts about keystone fathers come to pick them up

Monolouge #3 - Alejandro

News reporter doing a bit on the keystone xl (actual tv)

Who: Bob Robby the Reporter

What: Doing news on the show

Where: In Tar sands reporting

Why: Because he wants to get paid (he hates his job)

How: Gets cued in to report… Goes to jane the weather girl… Finishes report then contemplates quitting his job.

New’s reporter is standing in front of the camera

News reporter: Bob Robby broadcasting here from Canada vancouver ehhh, I am standing

in front of where the horrendous and maybe unstable pipeline is going to be made it will go

from canada Alberta through The United States of America to the Gulf Coast of Texas

eh, several civilians are concerned by the propaganda because it will destroy the earth and

it will also be too wide in distance in order to cover for spills eh, the makers of this project

and some politicians think this is a cheaper and easier way to get oil from our allies Candanias

civilians all around America and Canada our forming big protest against this horrifying project  they are also forming barriers were the trail of this project will be or chaining themselves to bulldozer and trees ehh this project WILL infact destroy and ruin earth by polluting it and ripping

the land apart. Thank you all for listening good bye canada eh.

Monolouge #4 -Alejandro

Protesters in  tar sands

Who: James Mcfarlen

What: Protesting along the construction site

Where: Along the construction site

Why: He is a hippie and cares about nature

How: He camps at tar sands over night then wakes up…Protests... has conversation with another protester… protests again

Hello everyone my name is Matthew Jones and I’m here protesting about this disgusting

horrible pipeline it will destroy our beautiful mother earth, the way this so called friendly

cheap project will work is by getting oily sand from our friends the indigenous people

and taking all this sand through America until it gets to the goal coast of Texas which

from there it will be refined but what they don’t realized is that we are taking peoples

lands like nothing and also it will raised the pollution in the air!! which will also contribute

to the climate change. Now I am proud that all of us got here to stop this irreversible

disaster, I want you all to stay strong and keep protesting in front of the white house

because they will hear our voices, I’M TELLING YOU THEY WILL HEAR US!!!!.


Monoloque #5- Ameer

IM conversation

*Ughh* I  had the hardest day at work/  

This couch is so comfy/


lets see… whats on the tv right now/ oh the news, cool i guess/

This global warming crap again/

Oh my god../

wait what this tar sands crap is amazing.../

Let me hit up my girl… Ellie-o/
*typing* hey ellie im watching the news right now and theirs this thing on about tar sands.../

No not tarzand, tar sands! stupid auto correct./

*Typing* no babe  shumafafumma auto correct  *ughhh*./

Why should she care hugh why shoooould she care/

*typing* because did you know…. that uh… that uh… oh that

*typing* it probs gonna create 20,000 jobs, but its a major threat to the environment/

You dont care! oh, oh she doeesn’t care… *typing* well you should care/

how is it a threat? well I’ll tell you… as soon as the news shows me lol/

*typing* oh well it is harder to get  anddddd, it releases more carbon in than other oils/

It’s not my fault your bored with this conversation/

well what do you want me to do/

I’m done with her/ *texting* you know what I’m done with you/

*texting* Not with the relationship bay/ now your getting into some other stuff/

im just going to go to bed now./ what noooooooowww/ She’s always complaining/

*texting* I’m sorry it’s just… It’s just that since we always text I can’t really convey what I really feel to you... I just can’t handle what going on in the relationship./

She is telling me it’s over oh no!/ Fine fine fine… CHUCK FROM ACCOUNTING IS NO LONGER YOUR MAN!!!

Better sound directions

Why are they having the arguement

missing peices

Who: Chuck Fromacounting

What: Im ing  his gf

Where: Home… at dinner… eating lamb

Why: He sees a news segment on his cable tv

How: Comes home from work… Plops down the couch turns on tv its the news…. texts his gf about news… they break up and he goes to bed sleeping alone.
