Q2-Artist Portfolio-Lindsey Jones
When creating these pieces, I wanted to stay true to what I like but also combine with something new. One of themes we had to stick to was “nature” and we had to make almost everything according to that.
Apart of my style is keeping everything as consistent and simple as possible. I only want to do just enough so that the audience will know what I’ve made. I add details later on in order to give the piece context and a voice. This can applied to pretty much all of the pieces made.The fern drawing was simple, but also showed a part of the fern we usually don’t see. Most ferns are large and under soil, but I wanted to show the fern at it’s roots. For the golden ratio drawing/collage, I made an elephant that followed the ratio (its less obvious because it isn’t a collage and there are no guidelines). The negative space drawing, block print, and final piece all are centered on emphasizing the animal and color. These pieces means a lot to me because they were thoughtfully put together and are something that I’d never done before. I was able to use my love for bright and eccentric colors, draw in my style, but also do something different.
Senior Art was a blast for me so far, especially with the new assignments and art mediums. I can’t wait to try more and learn new things.
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