Q2 Art Portfolio — Breathing In the Sky
I have produced and portrayed in my art a wide variety of emotions precipitated when watching the sky. The moon shooting into the clouds, scaling the largest monoliths or falling into the vast oceans, it is painting the night sky along with all the stars, in both its absence and its wonderful, shining presence. As intelligent and sensitive creatures, humans are psychologically and emotionally affected by that perfect rock. We inevitably smile upon the moon's art—the cold blue clouds and tired purple sky. And those who immortalize this magic with pencil and paper? They are daughters of the moon, burning with an infinite love—a passion for art and creation and life. This daughter who, when all else dies, will burst from the top of the tallest mountain. This daughter who, when the moon falls away from the earth finally, will be left only to reimagine our sanctuary of deliverance upon her page in long lines of magic. Art will save us.
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