Q3 Art Tenzin Chemi
I enjoyed creating these new pieces. Each of them are something special to me because I have not done these types of drawings in these unique methods before. For my abstract piece, I just went with the flow by keeping my pencil on the paper and just drawing even when I was not sure where I was going next. For my self-portrait, it was very interesting drawing with india ink because I've never used it before. I was surprised by the fact that it was not as hard as I was expecting and it also turned out good in my opinion. Not only that piece but I thought my value piece turned out pretty cool too because I knew that it was going to be hard trying to have the perfect shading. However, it wasn't that bad and I liked the outcome of my work. In the basic shape project, it was fascinating how I had to draw my piece. It was yet another new experience for me to draw shapes to create an object. Then, for my final piece, the animal sketch, I really enjoyed applying two of the recent skills, shading/values and basic shapes, I'd learned to create this piece.
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