Q3 Benchmark Reflection

How does this project relate to the real world?

This project relates to the world by comparing to the house

builders. House Builders were made to design there own

building and to able to design they would have to figure 

out the measurements for the right size of the building. By

figuring out the height and feet.

What was the most exciting portion of this project and 

why? What was the least exciting portion to this project

and why?

It was great to work outside and work well with my team mates 

for the project and it was very detail to explain for our measurements.

I think something excited about the project was to learn something new.

What did you learn from completing this project?

I learned how to figure out to measure the height of the 

building and figuring out the feet to the house. I learned 

how to use multiple equations in order to find out the


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