Q4 Art Portfolio
Hello, my name is Mingxue Zheng. The following slide show will contain the artworks that I have done in the fourth quarter of my senior art class.
This quarter, all students will be creating their own projects.
First Project: Create a Mosaic Rose Drawing
Second Project: Create Mask Paintings
Third Project: Crayon Art
Fourth Project: Flower Vase Painting
I found the assignment this quarter to be challenging because it was my first time doing crayon art and mosaic rose drawing.
Among all of the projects, I am proud of the mosaic rose because it was the first time that the rose actually looked like a rose. The color combination is made up of warm colors. It gives off a summer vibe.
The most difficult project is the mask painting. I chose to create two Chinese Opera mask paintings. The Chinese Opera masks are so detailed, that it makes it harder for me to draw and space out the elements in the masks.
Overall, I love this class. I will continue to draw and paint in college because art is one of my prized hobbies.
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