Q4 Artist Statement

​This quarter was my favorite quarter. I got to do anything I wanted to do. I felt really free this quarter. This quarter we had to do a lot of abstract, like emotion, motion and regular abstract. We also had to do close ups of the Mutter Museum garden, the Rodin Museum landscape and a Rodin Museum close up. I chose to do a grass landscape of the Rodin Museum, a close up of a leaf, and a part of the Mutter Museum. I also did a lot of abstract, I did abstract like every week.

When I first did abstract I did it wrong. I didn't realize that abstract had to be shapes, colors and lines. When I did the abstract emotion I took different pictures and cropped parts of them out. Then I but them together. That wasn't abstract! From that day on I started doing abstract right. My abstract motion is the swirls, the blocks are supposed to be looking like they are moving, and I did another drawing with swirls. My abstract drawings are underneath those pictures. After those pictures I have my close up pictures. I don't really like my close up picture of the Mutter Museum, that's the picture with the bush of plants. It didn't come out the way I wanted it to. 

I really liked this quarter because I finally got to express myself the way I wanted to. I didn't try to make my art look like everybody else. My art can't look like everybody else because I'm not as good of a artist as them. I needed to become my own person and that's exactly what I did. I think my art shows how artistic I can be. It shows the true me unlike the other quarters where I tried to be like others. 
motion 1
motion 1
motion 2
motion 2
abstract 1
abstract 1
abstract 2
abstract 2
abstract 3
abstract 3
abstract 4
abstract 4
abstract 5
abstract 5
abstract 7
abstract 7
close up
close up
close up 1
close up 1
close up 2
close up 2
