Qianna Nelson Second Quarter Project- Shinobi Traceurs

For this marking period I wanted to draw a picture of the Shinobi Traceurs. They are a mixed martial arts and parkour group. I wanted to draw them while they are actually doing some martial arts and parker. So I found some pictures of them in actions. I then drew a forrest background and drew them beside their animals. I decided to draw them with a forrest background because of their animals even tho some of their animals are not forrest creatures. This project was hard to do because I wasn't simply drawing people standing around I was drawing people I know and see everyday so I wanted to have them actually look like the people I was trying to depict. I decided to use both crayons and rakers so that certain parts of the picture would stand out more then others. For example, the words Shinobi Traceurs stand out against the trees because they are colored in red and in marker so they look bolder then the trees surrounding them. I also colored the people in marker so they would stand out against the trees and the grass. 

The people in the picture are the Founder Andre Wiley (the lion), Co-Founder Will Thomas (the wolf), and their student Rashaun Williams (the ram), they are the leaders of the Shinobi Traceurs, and in second rank of the Shinobi Traceurs is Tyreé Wright (the dragon). Shinobi by definition is a covert agent specializing in the art of stealth and combat. Traceurs by definition is a practitioner of Parkour, the art of displacement, overcoming physical obstacles in one's environment. Combine the two, and you have the essence of the Shinobi Traceurs.

I decided to draw them because I think what they do is really cool and I wanted to draw a picture of them to show off that coolness using my artistic talents. 

The Title:
The Founder Andre Wiley (the lion):

Rashaun Williams (the ram):

Co-Founder Will Thomas (the wolf):

Tyreé Wright (the dragon):

The Whole Picture:

