Quakers 1644

I have a personal connection to the roots of Quakerism because my family "converted" when I was in 1st grade because I was attending a Quaker school and would ask my parents, of my own volition, if we could go to meeting for worship. What shocked me when I went to public school in 5th grade was how surprised people were when I told them I was Quaker. Then we would open our text books and read about George Fox and William Penn and the Native Americans and the idea of Quakerism would fade into colonial America. Well, I clearly used electricity, much to many people's shock, and I did not use the words "thee" or "thou" so I began to realize that there was some sort of miscommunication going on with these kids that they could assume something was dead and also a certain way because a text book only mentioned it once. My goal was to shed new light on aspects of Quakerism that are often overlooked as well as making it clear that Quakerism as still as much of a religion as any other that was present during Colonial America. 

I used the form of a podcast because I know that I learned best when I am spoken to and also am best at relaying information verbally. With those qualifications understood I created a skeleton of a script and then spoke as though I were presenting to a class. I find this to be the most helpful way to hear new information because inflection and interest does not sound dialouged but engaged and loose.

