Quarter #1 Artwork
Ceiling Tile
The ceiling tile was a very challenging project to work on because of the many details that were on the painting. Working with Matt in the ceiling tile, the first thing that came into our mind was to paint this piece. Cars are something that we have passion for, and that is what inspired us to paint it. At the start of it we didn't have any challenges, and everything was smooth sailing. As the process went further it became more difficult. As soon as we started to paint over our sketch, our painting became something that we didn't enjoy as much as we did in the beginning. In the end we were happy with our turnout, but we could have done much better with it.
Chose Your Own Drawing
As people we all have our own places or things that we like to calm down and relax, and for me nature is one of those places where I can relax while looking at nature. All people have different opinions and for me nature is not beautiful only during sunny days, but everyday not matter what the weather is. Which is why I chose to draw a forests with mountains in the background, but not in a sunny day, but a day where the weather shows rain. By adding different shading to different areas of the drawings it made it more realistic and gave a better vibe of the weather being rainy. Overall I tried to capture the beauty of nature in every type of weather.
As there are millions of ways to design a jack-o-lantern, I was looking for a design of my own. It wasn't easy to pick a design that I liked, but by looking at many different types of designs I finally decided to which one I was going to draw. As I started to draw it, I could not get the design to look like it did in my inspiration. So to complete the drawing I changed the original design to something that I would be able to draw. That lead me to the design that I have now. The shape of the pumpkin was the most difficult part, and after many tries I got what I wanted.
Self Portrait
This assignment was the most difficult to do, because I am not used to drawing myself or doing portrait of people. It was something really hard to decide from which angle to draw the portrait from. After many tries and a lot of thought I finally decided what angle to draw it from and what picture to use to draw my portrait. I tried to reflect on how I usually am, and how I usually act. It is open to interpretation, but I am usually happy, and there is always playing music in my head. As for my shirt that appeared in the drawing, I tried to have a blank shirt with no writing to show that I don't have much fashion taste, which is also why the lines are really sharp, and there isn't a lot of shading.
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