Quarter #2 Artwork

This quarter I feel that my artwork has improved since the first quarter. For example for one of the projects I had to take a photo and use this app called pixlr. It was tricky to use at first but then the finalization of the picture look wonderful! Like I said in the first quarter, anything you make can be art. Art can be powerful to anyone! For this Second quarter I had to make a collage by using pictures from magazines. Then make a fabric drawing by using pencil and charcoal. After that, I had to take a photo and use pixlr. Last but not least, pick a piece of writing and illustrate a passage. I'm happy how my art turned out to be this quarter, so please don't judge. Enjoy checking out my work.

Collage: For this project, I was allowed to make a collage of anything I wanted. I made my collage spell out the word art because why not? Its art class for crying out loud. So what I used in the collage was pictures from home/design magazines. I used those type of pictures from those magazines because most of them had patterns. Basically how I see art, I see a lot of patterns!

Fabric drawing: Now at first I was suppose to draw fabric on top of a stool, but I really wanted to do something else. So I used my sleeve on one of my SLA hoodies as an advantage to do something else. Now this was my first time using charcoal. I feel I did great using it for the first time. My favorite part of the drawing is the hand leading into the sleeve of the arm because to me it looks realistic.

Photo: On this project, I was aloud to take a photo of anything I wanted in the world. After taking that photo I had to use this app called pixlr. I chose to take a picture of food because food is amazing haha. Especially burgers because its my favorite food in the entire world. After experiencing pixlr and clearly showing one burger while the other was blurry, I seriously wanted to jump into that photo. It basically looks delicious!

Illustration: Finally, for this project, I had to pick any piece of writing and illustrate a passage. I picked "The Cat in the Hat" because that was children's book I grew up with when I was little. The book used to make me laugh a lot. On this day I'm not sure why it made me laugh, but I don't care now because its cool to draw something that was from your childhood. 

Hope you enjoyed my artwork for quarter #2!
