Quarter 1
In quarter 1, in art class, we decided to make sugar skulls. A sugar skull is a home made skull with beautiful and creative design on a skull. sugar skulls were made to leave out at a graveyard or at home for the family members or friends that had died in the past, for a mexican holiday called "Dia de los Muertos", which means Day of the Dead. Day of the Dead takes on November 1st every year on the calendar, right after Halloween. The picture below is my sugar skull that I had created. Before I could of started to paint on my skull, we had to draw our skull on our sketch book for what do we wanted our sugar skulls to look like, in order to start painting. After designing our drawings, we had ask anyone in the class to volunteer to do cover there face with plast'r to make the face.
After letting the plast'r dry, you have to peel carefully on the person face. It can take a couple of hours to let it dry after you peel it off. The wait was over now and it was time to paint. I wanted my Sugar Skull to pop, so I took yellow, black, red, and blue. I even made some of my own colors that were purple, pink, and burgundy. I was proud with my design and the way it came out, it wasn't exactly how I wanted to come out from the very first beginning but it came out good and I had enjoyed doing this assignment.These are the rest of my drawings that is in my sketch book !
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