Quarter 1: Drawings - Lesson E, Dakota Foster

My name is Dakota Foster and I am a senior at Science Leadership Academy. For this blog post, we will be talking about the drawings that we recently did in art class. We had to follow different lesson on a website called drawspace.com. In this blog post, we will be looking at the work that I did for Lesson E, which is called Perspective 1. This lesson was the shortest out of the all the lesson and it had to be the easiest. 
The drawing that i liked the most was One Point Perspective. I've always enjoyed doing perspective drawings because they are so simple, but they come out so interesting looking. It is like drawing what you see at different angles perfectly. I think it is just so amazing that somebody came up with a drawing technique like this because it is just perfect. I would draw my whole world in one point perspective. I also enjoyed doing the drawings of the smiley faces in perspectives because you can really see how the smiley faces become smaller in the background. 
