Quarter 1 Senior Art
This first quarter of art has been good and has given me an outlet to express my creativity through art. Art class for me has been a time to work and relax unlike my other class which are more difficult and stressful. In art class I have learned some more history through assignments and have learned some new techniques. Through art class my painting skill have improved as well as my ability to draw.
In art class we had multiple assignments. We had complete a painted ceiling tile, a sketch, self portrait, charcoal drawing, jack lanterns, and a drawing of our choice. These assignments were fun to do unlike tackling all the school work and college preparation that comes along with senior year.
Out of all the assignments I did so far this year my favorites are the ceiling tiles. They’re my favorites because I had the freedom to put on the tiles whatever I wanted to . Therefore I got to paint my favorite two cartoon characters, Spongebob and Woody and have them displayed in a place where everyone in the art room can see.
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