I would like to start out by saying me and my partner Samantha have learned alot more about ourselves and our struggles with our past and our present by completing this project. Using the 14th amendment with both of us having ethic backgrounds and expeirencing discrimination in some sort of way whether it be school, jobs, or anything that we as people can come into contact where you can possibly be judged for, we deal with on a daily basis. I know that not only is the 14th amendment important to me and Samantha, but that law being written im the past has given us ample opputunities for today and will give us even more our futures. We hope that you enjoy our video.
One of the main reasons why me I choose amendent 14 is because I realized that without this amendent there would be a drastic change to,the lives we lead today. although there are many topics that fall under the 14th amendment the one that hit close to home was discrimination. We live in a time where everyone has the same equal rights but not for a second do I forget the people who fought, died and marched to get those rights granted. I did this amendment because I could relate to the feeling the desire and the privelege of people who were discriminated against but ultimately survived and knew they deserved better and got better.
What I enjoyed most about this project is that it allowed me to take time out to think about the day to day things I do without even thinking about it twice and really examine if this amendment was not there, there would be many things even on my way to school that would be difficult for me to do, on the other hand the most challenging thing to do was to relate the message though a presentation even though there was a Set way you had to present it making your video unique and different was the hard part.
While doing this project the most interesting fact is that people who we incuded in our video were good at explaining thier point of views on the subject and had stories as to go with our topic that was interesting.
I loved doing this project but overall if there was anything I could improve it would be our timing and our editing. The timing part was good but towards we had some problems with sound and what not, but if we would have had more time that we paced ourseleves we could have had it perfect. And editing it was both our first time working with editing so that was kind of difficult.
What I learned is that don't forget that life is how itbecuase of these amendments.
HIV/AIDS Discrimination - Recent Court Cases, Issues and Articles." American Civil Liberties Union. Web. 20 Jan. 2012. <http://www.aclu.org/hiv-aids/hivaids-discrimination>.
"HIV & Your Civil Rights: Know Your Rights in the Workplace." American Civil Liberties Union. Web. 20 Jan. 2012. <http://www.aclu.org/lgbt-rights_hiv-aids/hiv-civil-rightsbrknow-your-rights-workplace>.
"History of U.S. Since 1877 Important People, Terms, and Events." Colorado Public Record Search. Web. 20 Jan. 2012. <http://coloradopublicrecordsearch.org/95/history-of-u-s-since-1877-important-people-terms-and-events/>.
Somerville voices article. web 23 Jan. 2012<http://www.somervillevoices.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/somerville_ma_schools_graduation_and_drop_out_by_race_ethnicity-1.jpg>.
Proficiency of Black Students Is Found to be Far Lower Than Expected. web 23 Jan. 2012 <http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/09/education/09gap.html>.
How Important is Cultural Diversity at school your school. web 23 Jan. 21012 <http://www.greatschools.org/find-a-school/defining-your-ideal/284-cultural-diversity-at-school.gs
Racial Disparity in School Suspensions. web 23 Jan.2012 < http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/14/education/14suspend.html>
Milestones in African American Education. web 23 Jan. 2012 <http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0872844.html>
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