Que da es hoy?:How to ask what day it is

Lesson 3:In order to know how to say the days of the week you need to know

  • how to say the days of the week
  • how to ask what day it is
  • how to spell the days of the week
  • how to say what day it is

 This chart will show you the days of the week
Also here are some picture to help you remember them.

                                            Los Días de la Semana (Days of the Week)


When you spell the days of the week in in Español it is different  then english.The days in Spanish are always lowercase. for example Monday is capitalized in english , but in spanish (lunes,Monday) is lowercase.

¿Que día es hoy?= What day is it?
Hoy es __________.=Today is _________.

Here is a video about how to say the days of the week
