Qué Hora es?
For our project we wil also be teaching how to ask and tell time. Mainly we will work with numbers and how to say different times. The course will review different phrases such as:
¿(A) Qué hora es? - what times is it?
¿(A) Qué hora son? - what times is it?
¿(A) Qué hora tiene? - what times is it?
Es la una - one o'clock
Son las dos, tres, cuatro, . . . - two o'clock, three o'clock, four o'clock , . . .
. . . y cuarto - :15
. . . y media - :30
. . . menos cuatro - :45
. . . menos minutes before the hour
Punto . . . - exactly. . .
de la mañana - in the morning
de la tarde - in the afternoon
de la noche - at night
For our movie we will take place in a classroom and a student will constantly ask when class is over and another student will keep reminding him when the class ends.
¿(A) Qué hora es? - what times is it?
¿(A) Qué hora son? - what times is it?
¿(A) Qué hora tiene? - what times is it?
Es la una - one o'clock
Son las dos, tres, cuatro, . . . - two o'clock, three o'clock, four o'clock , . . .
. . . y cuarto - :15
. . . y media - :30
. . . menos cuatro - :45
. . . menos minutes before the hour
Punto . . . - exactly. . .
de la mañana - in the morning
de la tarde - in the afternoon
de la noche - at night
For our movie we will take place in a classroom and a student will constantly ask when class is over and another student will keep reminding him when the class ends.
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