Raging Rapids

Last year, I had the opportunity to travel to the Grand Canyon. I got to connect with some kids from my school and I also got to meet new people. At night we would sleep under the stars, camped out on the bank of the Colorado River; and during the day we would white water raft, taking occasional breaks to play a game of ninja.  It was a great trip; however, one day the rapids were unusually violent – tossing our paddle boats at will. My boat had the most experienced rowers, so we were able to maintain control, albeit while narrowly avoiding a large jagged rock in the middle of the river. However, the others weren’t so lucky. We looked up to see several of our classmates floating down the river. Luckily, we didn’t panic and we were able to get our classmates to safety, while rescuing the majority of our equipment that had gotten lost in the struggle.
