Rare Disease (Emma)

I was reading an article about 8 rare diseases online and found something very intriguing. While all the diseases were very intriguing one stood out to me the most.  This disease is called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. For people who have this disease, a simple touch of the hand, leg, or other body parts can feel like a gun shot. A simple touch feels like agonizing pain. I learned that the disease is a dysfunction of the nervous system and can affect any part of the body. Sometimes a simple touch can actually result in severe injury. While reading about this disease i was thinking about how awful it would be to live with such a thing. A person couldn't or would have very little intimacy.  A person couldn't play sports and would always have to be very cautious of every action and everything around them. I especially feel bad for children who have this disease. They have all that energy but are restricted to use it due to their disease or if they're not that careful are in constant pain. There are medications for this disease that don't cure but do improve symptoms. I hope they find a cure for this disease. That be nice.
