Raymond Rochester Capstone
Throughout the year my capstone way to learn what it takes to be a physical trainer. I gave people lesions on the proper form and the techniques in football skills, boxing skills and your regular weight training. Through this all not only did I also learn more about personal training and the skills of the sports that I decided to teach. But I learned what I needed on a more personal level and how everyone will need to be trained in different ways. The most important part of training another person is the progression of him or her and I learned how to get that out of different types of people. Bibliography Bodybuildingcom. "NFL Combine Trainer: 8-Week Program." Bodybuilding.com. January 17, 2018. Accessed January 25, 2019. https://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/nfl-combine-trainer-8-week-program.html This is a website that shows some of the workouts that some of the type players in the NFL use and I want to try some of these with the people I train and want to use some of these myself at the same amount of intensity. With the training I will be able to determine the intensity and modify the activities based on how everyone will keep up. This link will really help out on our field training. It doesn't go over all of the best workouts and training methods that football players use but it does help with some ideas and methods. "Boxing Coaching – My 7 Methods For Teaching A Group." Learn How to Box - MyBoxingCoach. December 14, 2011. Accessed January 25, 2019. https://www.myboxingcoach.com/boxing-coaching-group/ Bradleymartynonline. "Bradley Martyn." YouTube. Accessed January 25, 2019. https://www.youtube.com/user/bradleymartynonline Bradley Martin is a bodybuilder and also has his own brand of protein and pre workouts. He has his own gym and post videos of how he does things to get bigger. He talks about the different types of things that he takes and what he does for the best results and to become bigger and bigger. I watch his videos and have seen good advice on his channel that I have also used and want to pass on. He has good form and focuses on the smaller things to make sure your results are strong. Jussim, Matthew. "How 15 NFL Players Train and Get Shredded for the Football Season." Men's Journal. August 31, 2018. Accessed January 25, 2019. https://www.mensjournal.com/sports/how-15-nfl-players-trained-and-got-shredded-2017-season/5-rob-gronkowski/ This is a link that leads to an article that talks about the training that talks about the different types of intense training that some of the NFL football players do to get ready for there season but to also be and stay in top physical condition during their season and during their off season. I like this because it hits two aspects of the type of training that I am going to do. For one it definitely hits on different football related exercises that I can do and teach but also hits on just regular in gym training that I could teach and go through to help what we do on the field. Mrs. Martin, my capstone mentor is also one of my sources. She is also the teacher of the class that I SAT. She lets me lead the class and she helps me where I need help. She also sits back and let me teach the class on my own and lead them through exercises. I get a lot of hands on experience with teaching a large group which is good because I get to learn the different types of learners but also how to accommodate them. In my project I only work one on one or in small groups with people. Now I get experience with a different number of people at different times. Personal Training Looking good Feeling good. This is a book that was recommended to me by my capstone mentor Mrs. Martin. This book gives looks and explanation on helping people reach their goals physical goals. This book also helps you evaluate what type of learner the person you are training will be and how to accommodate them. It helps you become the type of leader that they need so they can do their best and see the results they're looking for in the time that that is most convenient for you and convenient for their schedule. FightTipsVideos. "FightTIPS." YouTube. Accessed January 25, 2019. https://www.youtube.com/user/FightTipsVideos This is the youtube channel of a fighter that has taken his skill to youtube. He answers questions and topics that were left by his fans and viewer. While doing this in each video he talks about different fighting moves and the right way and form to execute them. He shows different combinations that you can put the different types of moves in and talks about different scenarios that you might use them in. I have used his videos a lot and found them very effective when trying to learn these moves and incorporate them in fights and training. He does a great job explaining and demonstrating. The certification to becoming a trainer "How to Become a Personal Trainer: Study Programs & Certifications." ACE. Accessed January 25, 2019. https://www.acefitness.org/fitness-certifications/personal-trainer-certification/how-to-become-a-personal-trainer.aspx This link is a step by step on how to become a personal trainer. It wrote out and explained each and every step to getting the certification and taking a test for it. This won't be a huge component of things that I use on the people that I am training but It does still give me ideas to work into my plans for how and what I will teach. Also now in the research part of everything I will at least know the next steps for when I am actually ready to pursue this as a career Waehner, Paige. "How Can I Become a Personal Trainer?" Verywell Fit. Accessed January 25, 2019. https://www.verywellfit.com/steps-become-personal-trainer-1229776 This is a website that I plan to use the tips from here to incorporate into my own teaching. It goes over the pros and cons of being a personal training and other things like that. I have a lot of experience in teaching and training and want to compare what I find on this website to my own methods and ways to teaching people and see how much they differ and are the same. This is a portion that will also help me in the future toward the end of the year when I start my way into making this into a career. Youtube Fight tips https://www.youtube.com/user/FightTipsVideos is a actual fighter that took his talent to youtube. He takes questions and topics from fans and discusses them or answers them. Some of his videos are just him showing different types of fighting moves an explaining them or showing combos and how to put them together in different situations. I have actually used his videos in the past and they were effective for me when incorporating them in fights or training. Regardless of what you go to his channel for at the end at least for me I left with a better understanding of a move, form, (The video file couldn't be submitted on here for some reason, but here are some screenshots of the video)
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