Real Story Slam

​Last night, I, along with Harrison, Christine, Emma, and Freda, went to a real story slam at World Cafe Live. It was not exactly what I expected. Harrison was picked to be a judge and Christine was chosen to tell a story. Harrison was a very generous judge compared to the other two. The first few stories that were told were not so interesting, but as the night went on, the stories got better. The woman who told the last story was very animated in her telling, and, in my opinion, a little too over the top, and won. I must be a little biased, but I thought the best two stories were Christine and Ms. Weinraub. It was really nice to see her, it was a pleasant surprise, she used to be my advisor. I'm sure both of them were second and third place because they received high scores as well. The food was expensive and the service was slow, but it didn't really take away from the exciting night.
