Recycle the World
a picture so yeah)
I just got into this whole recycling thing because it literally just hit me on how bad the world is because of us not recycling. In the past I was probably a big contributor to the deteriorating earth that we live on now, and I probably still am today but I'm glad that I finally realized the severity of the whole thing. After figuring this out, I've reconsidered art projects and instead of creating new I would recreate with the old and unwanted. It's still a new thing to me but I'm still trying. I realized just recently how many thing you can actually make out of you're everyday things like bottle caps, plastic bags, and even milk cartons. It just makes me thing, How does someone come up with things like this?
Our first project that we did in art was based around bottle caps. We found out that bottle caps can't be recycled so instead people just throw them into the ocean where fish and other sea creatures eat them. And what do we do? We eat those fish, so we're basically eating the plastic that we swallowed. It's all really disgusting but we created posters to try to get people to collect their bottle caps and give them to an artist who uses them in her murals and such. My poster had a coca-cola bottle on it getting recycled into a phone and then a bottle cap getting recycled into a disco ball. For our next project, I wanted to recycle some type of juice container into a wallet or a bag because I feel as though if you can make a bag, out of juice boxes, then anything is possible. At first I wanted to make a Capri Sun wallet, but I just thought that it would be too pre-schooler of me to do that even though, I've always wanted to do one. Therefore, I changed it to making a wallet out of a milk carton (If you haven't noticed yet, I have an obsession with wallets).
It was actually pretty hard because a milk carton is much thicker than a Capri Sin pouch. I had to cut it with a cutting board instead of scissors and then I had to bend it in certain ways. Even when I put it under like, 200 lbs books it still didn't lay flat. Not only that, I had to sew the middle together…my fingers were red afterwards. Then I had to sew a button on the top flap which was a bit easier however, I couldn't see where to put the needle to go through the button so, I was doing that with trial and error….and eventually, I was done. I hope that some stores will take recycling more seriously and create recycled accessories that makes us more informed about the environment that we live in.
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