In many ways, our life is like a flower. The first stage of a flower is planting. Then it grows and develops into a beautiful flower, but with time, it withers away and dies. A flower has many stages of its life, like people. This picture is one of the stages of my life and many others had to face in this pandemic. This photograph was created in late September. The picture Reflection is taken in my bedroom.
The picture Reflection was taken in my room and took a while to shoot. To set up the picture, I first moved my desk against the wall. After setting up, the hard part was taking the picture. Even with 2 years worth of experience in photography, it was a struggle. Since I had no one to help me take the picture, I used the self-timer on the camera, which would give me 10 seconds to get in the right position. It took almost 3 to 4 hours to get the best result. To get the best quality, I decided to edit. It took a long time to do, I tried multiple times, but the exposure was always too much or too little. I stayed up late trying to edit it until I was satisfied with the result until one day it came out how I wanted it.
In many ways, I have gained and lost in this pandemic. It has not been the easiest stage of my life that I’ve had to go through. I just wanted to share that mental health is very important during this pandemic and staying positive can be hard. It’s hard to be home because it feels like you are trapped in a cage slowly becoming smaller, and not being able to be set free. It’s hard but I know one day it will all be okay because things always start and come to an end.
By the time you finish reading this, maybe a stage of your life has ended and a new one has started, like a flower. To be honest, I wouldn’t know, but I do hope you have enjoyed this. This photography project may have sounded easy but it was not. I had to use things around my house since I wasn’t allowed to go anywhere, so I had to be creative. It was hard, but I had fun creating it.
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