- What surprised you most about this information?
I was surprised that the reason were obvious and somewhat hard to find information about.
- What seemed quite obvious about explaining this data set?
It seemed obvious that a lot of this was because of wars and revolutions around the world - Looking at the overall trend and incorporating what you know about the US presently, predict and defend the immigration trend for the next two decades.
I think that the immigration trend will rise but not as similar to the past decades because of the current economy. Immigration will still occur because many people want a better a life for them and their children. - Describe how you made a decision on how to visually represent the information.
We decided that it was best to have a google presentation so that we could all work on it together - What parts of group work were challenging?
Everyone works at a different pace, Personally I like to finish early. It wasn't challenging but It would've been nicer if we finished sooner - What would you do differently if you had this project to do over?
I would try to make it nicer and try to find more information
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