
I guessed what surprised me the most about this project was that a lot of the reasons for my time period 1890-1950. What surprised me is that the push and pulls were very similar as well as very different. Some of the similar reasons had to do with the economy, war, and thinks of that sort. And the different ones had to do with the problems in individual countries. Also the demographics of the people that came also. It seems like up until a couple decades ago most of the immigrants were coming from Europe. Now they all are coming from everywhere in the world. 
I believe that over the next couple decades, better education and opportunity will be the reason for immigrants. America has one of the best education systems and people can get jobs here in almost anything so I predict this will be the pattern and reasons for them to come. If you look at immigration as of now our economy is not the greatest, but I think the idea that America gives other people is that want to come to this country is freedom and you can do more in this country than in other countries. 
We decided to make charts with as little words as possible. We did this because it is easier on both us the presenters and the people watching the presentation. This way we can be more engaging with the audience as well as present our project. Having a million words on the slide can be distracting as well as tacky. So to keep it clean and simple this is the method we chose to do.
For me personally, having to come together to present all of the information was the hardest part. Sometimes we did not necessarily agree with the information and reasons that were given. So we had to put our own opinions aside and trust that our group member knew what they were talking about.
If I had to do anything differently it would be the time period that I had research. I say this because to me from about 1950-present is what catches my interest more. Not saying that the time period I did was boring, but it just was not what I really wanted to do. I would aslo only do a push or a pull reason and not both. For me I feel like some push and pull factors are not that important. For example: If one decade immigration spiked up a million, and in the next decade it went down a million I would only want to know the push or pull for those two decades not both because they wouldn't be important. Overall though I am pleased with our final product.
