Reflection Questions
Reflection Questions:
How does this project relate to the real world?
- This project relates to the real world in many ways. Architects as they design and creating the building around the world. We were using different buildings around the center city area and measuring them trying to find the height of the different buildings. We also then made a blueprint of the buildings on the block that we were assign like architects do to sketch the buildings they designing.
What was the most exciting portion of this project and why? What was the least exciting portion to this project and why?
- The most exciting portion of this project was measuring the different parts of the house. Also another most exciting was actually using the mirror method to find the height of the house. Measuring the different parts of the house was exciting because it was different and something I never done. The least exciting was actual drawling the buildings on the blueprint because my groups block was so long and had so many houses on it.
What did you learn from completing this project?
I learn how to difficult it is to figure out the exact measurements by using different methods. I learn how to use different methods to find the actual height of the building you were assign to. I learn how to solve a proportion with the different methods for the buildings.
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