Remix Slide- Nickell Caesar

Create 1 Slide(Remix)
From the critiquing of my slide I learned that I had made a tangent where one of my pictures were really close to the edge. I also learned that I had done a bit too much on my slide, for example I had basically put two of the same things, I had put an Eagles Logo and Carson Wentz right next to each other, which really didn’t make sense. They said I should have just put Carson Wentz, because I wanted to make him the main center of attention and the other logo had drawn the attention away from him.

I decided to remove the Eagles Logo so that it wasn’t distracting and made Carson Wentz even bigger. The Slide Design for Developers link said that you should make the text size bigger, you want people all the way in the back of the classroom to see what you’ve written, not the people that are in the front.
The Presentation Zen Link said that you want it to be a quick glance type of design. You don’t want people to have to take forever to get the gist of what the point of your slide is going to be about. All of these sources, suggestions, and constructive criticism from my classmates helped me create a new and improved slide.
