Research Question: Like other initially controversial scientific theories, will evolution one day be universally accepted by society?

Research Question: Like other initially controversial scientific theories, will evolution one day be universally accepted by society?

Evolution has been a controversial theory since the first day word reached out about it. But, this is not unlike many other theories which we consider true and indisputable today. For example, Copernicus' Heliocentric theory and Newton's gravitational theory. Copernicus' Heliocentric theory basically asserted that the earth was not the center of the solar system, but the sun. At the time, everyone believed in geocentric theory which said that the earth was the center of the universe. This theory was so novel and unprecedented, people were quick to scorn Copernicus and dismiss the theory as nonsense. The dissension around it did not end for later Galileo defended it. He was a supporter of Copernicus and was put on trial by the Catholic Church for defending something that they felt contradicted religion.They wanted the theory banned. This is almost the exact same scenario with evolution today. The Copernican theory gained legitimacy over time and became universally accepted. Newton's theory of gravity had similarly controversial beginnings yet no one contests it's admissibility today.

 If history has taught us anything, it's although initially controversial, theories with strong foundations such as Evolution do become universally accepted over time. There is evidence of evolution gaining more support today. Although just 39% of Americans believe in evolution, as indicated by a Gallup poll in 2009, that number has been on the rise, especially with the newer generations. 74% of people with a post graduate degree believe in evolution. There are some creationist museums today that include evolution in their displays. Perhaps one day even religious people can believe in the basic concepts of evolution while still holding faith in their religion at the same time. With the number of people who believe in evolution on the rise with newer generations, it is safe to assume that we will one day live in a society which almost unanimously accepts evolution as true. 

