Riley Chobert

I built 2 picnic tables one regular size and one for pre-schoolers and 2 benches a few months back for SLA. I have now furthered this idea by making another picnic table for the preschoolers I work for. it’s roughly the same design as the last table but smaller and better for the environment of the school. One thing I improved on in the second table was making sure to sand the boards prior to putting them together making the table safer for younger children. I also made sure all of the corners were dull so as no not to poke someone’s eye out if they fall. The main idea behind the benches was to be able I left something behind once I move on into college and the next part of my life. I found that in doing so I have given the communities something to enjoy. Even the steps that didn’t involve the tables, like the carwash, gave something to the community which I am proud of.

Inquiry- I first started this project on the basis that I love making things with my hands. I found it to be fun and relaxing and wanted to find ways to challenge what I have already made. So I asked myself how I could make this Picnic table better than it already is.
Research- To make the best picnic table possible I would have to research. I began researching the best materials and strategies for making them. I then realized this wasn’t enough, I would also have to find out what uses the table could be used for such as storage and comfort.

Collaboration- I have had many family members and friends help so far and are excited to have many more people help in the future.

Reflection- While in the moment and really up until writing this I thought of this as just some project to get me through high school, I now see it as my opportunity to give back to the people who have given so much to me.

Presentation- The final presentation of this project will be the picnic table I am creating, along with my outline of what I have done to pursue this goal of finishing. I would like to show SLA what I am capable of.

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