Robert Monologue

I am a small kitten called Whiskers, who is asleep, bathing in the sunlight, since my owner Robert is away. But what is worrying me is that my human is coming home later than usual then at 4:00pm. I was wondering why he was so upset lately with . I always go over and lay next to him and sit on my lap to comfort him, but he just goes on his computer to do something like typing. He keeps saying he has to do his school work, but now I think it's just an excuse since he is always on his laptop instead of playing and relaxing with me. I see is he stressed about something, I always want to be with him, and protect him like how he saved me. It happened in December 2015, I was on one of his friends porch, trying to beg myself to be let into the house, then I see two people walk up onto the porch, at first the didn't notice me until I meowed softly, the boy slowly turned to me, and his face lifted up, he kneeled down and gestured his hand to let me know he won't harm me, and to pet me. Soon his friend and her siblings came out, to see him looking at me. He asked If I belonged to them, they responded with saying “No”, He then looked to his mother and asked if he can keep me. I saw she was thinking about it, So I started to circle him meowing, making her say yes, luckily she did, They found a cardboard box, scooped me up gently and put me in the container, and brought me into this warm nice vehicle. After we left his friends block, I climbed out of the box, and went on the seat next to his head. When we arrived to his house, I noticed some of his neighbors had christmas lights on, they hypnotized me, I jumped out of his arms and ran towards the light, slightly tilting my head, to watch the glittering lights, then I hear him calling my new name, so I trot over to him, inside in a warm room, with food. I always wonder why he called me Whiskers.  Maybe its because I have short whiskers or long whiskers, I don't know since mirrors confuse me. Well he is home, time to go greet him.
link to recording-
Couldn't send it in with post, and I had recorded it with my phone.
