Rosemary Flite
Creating this add campaign as our benchmark was a really interesting experience. This was something that I never have imagined doing so when it was assigned to us, I wasn’t really sure what we were supposed to do. It was hard for me to get the whole idea of what this project was going to be through my head, so me and my group members just decided to try to dive right into it.
We did well with getting our message across. Although our website only had a small amount of views I feel like we were successful because we worked well together. We intended to create posters, which we did but then we added a QR code that sent people to our website. This was the main way that we got our message out to the public. I believe it was a very useful way to do so because at any point theres about 500 people in SLA at a time, the majority of them having smartphones so if our poster interested someone they could scan our code to get more information on our campaign.
We also added another part to our campaign that we did not originally think of. I asked a handful of people for a statement about how teenage drug abuse has impacted their relationships with others. That is my favorite part of our entire project because I feel like it is a really creative idea to show experiences that people in Philadelphia have had with teenage drug abuse since we could not find statistics on just Philadelphia.
The biggest challenge we came across was the PSA that we created. When we were filming it we believed that it was a brilliant idea! When Jermel started to edit it he started to notice that the length was not what we expected. We wanted it to be one minute at the most but by the time editing was done it was three. This started to cause some anxiety with us. We started to think about how it may be too long for people’s attention span or that theres too much dialog. We ended up trying to take out some parts of the video that were not important to our campaign to get a quality video.
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