Rubber Stamp Cutout

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I think my logo/stamp perfectly symbolizes me and who I am. The words I chose to inspire my piece were gay, kermit, lizard, drawing, long, creative, passionate, dramatic, opinionated, angry. Through each assignment, I refined my design till I finally decided for the focus of my stamp to be Kermit the Frog. I chose Kermit because he is a character I strongly relate to. The parallels between us are uncanny. My friends actually call me Kermit because they think I bear such a striking resemblance to him. He is constantly stressed like me, and he pursued a career in the arts. He specializes in yelling at people and having existential crises, and is featured in many spectacular memes. I originally wanted to include a pencil and paintbrush to represent my creative ability and artistic spirit felt the logo was too busy with them.

Understanding negative and positive is important for artists. The positive space is my drawing is the lines made with the cutout of Kermit. I think that only using negative space in my piece and not adding much detail really makes Kermit pop. I did a pretty awful job of cutting out my stamp, and I probably should’ve cut it out one paper at a time instead of one paper over the other because it was really hard to cut out. It ended up looking pretty rough, but the rough-hewn look was kind of what I was going for. I learned that sometimes for negative space to work effectively, a simple design is needed.
