Rugeiatu Bah "What If" HistoryBMK

            Overall project was what if the Judge that was judging the case died and another judge took his place. In 2012, American citizen realize things were getting old and the segregation wasn't what the Amendments stated. It was time when it was difficult for me to get my thoughts on paper. I really liked the fact that I had to think hard to accomplish this project because when I think about things, I started to understand the point of it and why it’s important.

Some interesting facts I came across was when most African Americans students had to walk 7-10 miles just to get to school they are being forced to attend. Each individual changed history, even though there were some illegal things happening, some people were happy the way African American was being treated. Also it seem like most Whites was okay with the way things were "separated but equal".

 I was confused through out the entire process of putting it together and every time I asked someone they would tell me they are confused too. Show examples more of how things should look like and set up work time with you for help.

I would change the time, I wish I had more time, it not even that I didn't use my time wisely but some people just learn differently from others. This project was one of the project that I really needed help with because things just wasn't clicking correctly, but as days went by, I figure out ways and researched more about unclear things and got it done.

 Click here to view my project.
