Saludos!: Greetings and Goodbyes

While on your spanish-speaking adventure, you would not like to be rude or offend another person, so you must know how to properly greet someone, ask how they are doing, and then say goodbye. Our first step will show proper greetings:
            After you have greeted the person, you should politely ask them how are they doing. How do I ask them that? you may ask. Well, you're about to learn!

What if they ask you how YOU are doing? What are appropriate responses? Here is a way to learn them!

*NOTE: Once someone has asked you how you are doing and you respond with an emotion word, you should tag a "gracias" (thank you) onto your response, as this is the polite thing to do. Example:

                        Person 1: ¿Cómo estás?
                        Person 2: Muy bien, gracias!
There are a few other vocab words/phrases that you should learn to be polite. For example, if someone asks you how you're doing and you respond saying that you are doing well, would you just leave it at that? Or shouldn't you ask how THEY are doing? Yes, you should! And so, take a look at our chart to find out how you would say that. Also, you should regard all the other phrases in the chart, to make sure you're prepared to be a smart, polite, spanish-speaking person!
​Lastly, let's learn how to say goodbye!
​In this video,  Leah and Emmanuel meet in the hallway and say hello and have a short, polite conversation.

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