Saradomin Godsword Cosplay

Vichhay Roeung

Artist Statement #2


            Origami as a whole is an interesting and creative art. It focuses on structure building and folding techniques that add up, giving the art piece all it’s magnificent details and realistic qualities. During the second quarter of the school year I wanted to incorporate origami in a form of a sculpture, to be shown as a prop or a decoration. Starting off with the design and blueprint of the sword, I then went on to create the necessary materials to create my sculpture using scrape printer paper.

            To start this project I had to find something I could get inspired to build. Looking at multiple designs I choose to create a prop sword from one of my favorite Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) game, Runescape. In the game it features a great sword created by one of the Runescape Gods, a powerful great two-handed sword with the power to strike down foes with lighting under the name of Saradomin. It was something I’d really enjoyed from the game and I thought I create it as a cosplay item for my own self-enjoyment.

            Looking at a picture of the sword I started creating the blueprints for the sword. It was an easy process to do as I just simply scaled down the sword to a size I believe was right. Creating a 1ft handle with a 3ft blade that totaled a 4ft design for the sword. But also using a protractor to get the angles of the sword so that it precisely reflects the sword, it’s details, cuts, and distinct sharpness. Then it was on to the process of planning every single detail that I was going to do and how I was going to do it.   

            In order to make the prop I first had to create the material needed to create the structure and fame of the sword. Some call this glued paper layers of a single printer paper but I know it as harden paper because it is much harder then card stock. To make this material, the materials needed are glue, printer paper, and a waiting time of about twenty-four hours to dry. First step was to fold the paper precisely in half or the piece would be crooked, then applying a layer of glue, and finally repeating that process on the same paper, making sure that it is flat and there are no air bubbles. Last step was drying it under a large object such as a book for twenty-four hours as it tends to warp during the drying process.

            After the harden paper became harden, I started building the structure of the sword. Adding on layers of harden paper to a point in which it could hold its own weight and in the form of a T shape. On the structure of the sword I drew an outline of the sword with a pencil, protractor, and ruler until it fit the designs of my blueprint. Using two small long sticks as support on both sides of the sword it became clear how sturdy and balanced the sword will become and it was time for the final part. Covering the wooden support in a matter where it shows the thickness and detailed parts of the sword. Afterward getting assistance from a fellow classmate, Natalie Sanchez to paint the sword mainly due to the reason that I’m not a descent painter. Combing multiple shades of yellow and silver that truly brings out the brightness and power of the god sword.

            Through this experience, I’ve learned a lot about my abilities and creating art. This was a memorable experience as I combined two different kind of art together into one form. Such as I made it a home project to work on none stop, where one time I was up still working until 3 a.m. and during Thanksgiving. Which I’ve truly enjoyed this process and this opened a new window for my next home art project that I’ve already started.   




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