Pictures can show many things, but they are frozen in a time. They capture a moment and nothing else. Some pictures show different things, but when you take a picture of your self what does it really show about you? You can only show one emotion in that second so which do you choose? My pictures show my quirky-ness but nothing else. Why dont selfie pictures show more about the person? Well different selfies can show many things. For ex, in my mid body selife you can tell that I like you dress nice, and I was at even having a great time. However looking at that picture you would never be able to tell that My feet were hurting, and that I was anxious to leave. Pictures show what you want them to show. If you want to show you have a great time then you make a face that shows your good time. So selfies are COOL in my opinion just because you can show off what you want, and hide everything else. Its not false advertisement, but its a confidence booster to take a great selfie and have other people look at it and approve, or say "they look nice"
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