
I decided to take three similar selfies that represented different situations in my life. The first image is a picture of me while at school, the second at home and the third in the airport (a very public place where it is more or less acceptable to not look your best). I chose these place because they were very different but I find myself acting very similar in all of them. I often sit cross-legged because i find it comfortable as well as secure. I also chose not to include my face because I believe that body language shows just as much as facial expressions. I believe that by showing myself cross-legged I am saying that part of me is shy and wants to sit folded up and secure. However, by showing that this is how I sit all the time (even when alone in my room) I am saying that this is just a part of who I am but not all of who I am. The rest of who I am isn't shown in these images, it remains unsaid. 
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