Serbia ~ Election Country
Serbian Election Country
We went to multiple websites and couldn’t find much. Originally a peer of ours claimed that there was someone at her international school from Serbia and that we could interview her but unfortunately we waited about a month before we asked her if she could get in contact with her Serbian friend. Our friend made a mistake and sadly there was no one from her school that’s Serbian. We then started to look online for international schools in America for kids and there were several schools that had programs specifically for Serbian students. We tried to get in contact with the school through email but we never received a response. We started looking for other schools but during the moment in, which we were searching a friend of ours told us to look for penpals because that’s how they got in contact with people in their country. We then looked up penpals in Serbia and a list of emails popped up. We emailed several students from over there but only one replied and we took our chance. She is a 19 or 20 year old we believe and she is actually majoring in Economy. We had a small conversation with her at first before we asked her. Afterwards we asked her if she could help us and she did she got a interview with someone who was about to vote. It was interesting because she didn’t have a problem with doing it, she easily got the interview for us. There was only one problem with the interview her English isn’t that well so she tried to translate into English.
1. What made you come out and vote ? What motivated you?
2. What would you like to see change in the political system?
3. How regularly do you vote? Do you always vote?
4. Are you always positive about who you’re going to vote for?
5. What impact do you think your vote will have on the election?
6. What campaigns have you come across? Which campaigning ad have you come across the most? radio,TV, Magazine, Other
1. A desire for progress and changes that are necessary for Serbia so it can be strong and powerful country.
2. Firstly I would like that every citizen is equally respected and honored no matter what is its sex and material status. Equality between women and men is necessary in every jobs. Structure of national parliament should be changed too, and young people should be there, ones who will fight for benefits for everyone, not just for those who are in parliament.
3. I'm trying to stand by my citizen duty and always vote if I can.
4. No. Because our parties doesn't have clearly defined goal, from campaign to campaign they change their stands which casts doubt on their determination for changes.
5. Probably not so big influence, but if everyone would think that one vote doesn't mean nothing then elections would be unnecessary.
6.Last few months politicians are everywhere, so I'm informed from every possible side about every party and their goals.

The email interview
By: Amaris Romero & Johnathan Neris
We went to multiple websites and couldn’t find much. Originally a peer of ours claimed that there was someone at her international school from Serbia and that we could interview her but unfortunately we waited about a month before we asked her if she could get in contact with her Serbian friend. Our friend made a mistake and sadly there was no one from her school that’s Serbian. We then started to look online for international schools in America for kids and there were several schools that had programs specifically for Serbian students. We tried to get in contact with the school through email but we never received a response. We started looking for other schools but during the moment in, which we were searching a friend of ours told us to look for penpals because that’s how they got in contact with people in their country. We then looked up penpals in Serbia and a list of emails popped up. We emailed several students from over there but only one replied and we took our chance. She is a 19 or 20 year old we believe and she is actually majoring in Economy. We had a small conversation with her at first before we asked her. Afterwards we asked her if she could help us and she did she got a interview with someone who was about to vote. It was interesting because she didn’t have a problem with doing it, she easily got the interview for us. There was only one problem with the interview her English isn’t that well so she tried to translate into English.
1. What made you come out and vote ? What motivated you?
2. What would you like to see change in the political system?
3. How regularly do you vote? Do you always vote?
4. Are you always positive about who you’re going to vote for?
5. What impact do you think your vote will have on the election?
6. What campaigns have you come across? Which campaigning ad have you come across the most? radio,TV, Magazine, Other
1. A desire for progress and changes that are necessary for Serbia so it can be strong and powerful country.
2. Firstly I would like that every citizen is equally respected and honored no matter what is its sex and material status. Equality between women and men is necessary in every jobs. Structure of national parliament should be changed too, and young people should be there, ones who will fight for benefits for everyone, not just for those who are in parliament.
3. I'm trying to stand by my citizen duty and always vote if I can.
4. No. Because our parties doesn't have clearly defined goal, from campaign to campaign they change their stands which casts doubt on their determination for changes.
5. Probably not so big influence, but if everyone would think that one vote doesn't mean nothing then elections would be unnecessary.
6.Last few months politicians are everywhere, so I'm informed from every possible side about every party and their goals.
The email interview
By: Amaris Romero & Johnathan Neris
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