Shenglan Qiu Capstone

Individual Learning Plans (ILP) are unique opportunities for students at Science Leadership Academy (SLA). It allows students to gain valuable experiences from the real world through different programs and internships. However, there is no central place for students to search for ILP opportunities which can make many students feel overwhelmed. My capstone is a web application that allows students to query the feedback provided by existing and current ILP students. It consists of three parts, a google form that allows existing and current ILP students to provide feedback, a google form for storing the feedback submitted by students, and finally, a local web application for students to search for feedback. The programming tools used for the web application are Notepad++ v7.5.1 and Chrome 96.0.4664.110. The programming languages used includes HTML, JavaScript, JavaScript libraries and code snippets (refer to annotated bibliography for a list of references). The setbacks for the web application are that it is not directly to a URL because it cannot use Google Sheet API that directly connects and query the data and that is not hosted on a server. It runs locally and has to be downloaded in order to be used. If possible, my future thoughts are to work to solve these problems so the web application can be published.

Link to Google Form:

Link to Google Sheet:

Link to Web Application (Need to be Downloaded):

Link to Annotated Bibliography:


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