Sidney Williamson Capstone
My inspiration for this project came from a love I've been developing for poetry, since, I had Mr. Kay assign my class to write for the first time, during freshman year. I ended up sharing that poem with him and a few visitors and he asked me to join the poetry club. While I never did, poetry became a great outlet for everything from the good days to the bad, it was like everything I couldn't say, I could always write. I never thought I'd be sharing my poetry, it was always just something I kept for myself. Last year, I started sharing what i'd written with some close friends and their reactions are one of the main reasons I decided to share my poems publicly through this project. Another reason I feel more inclined to share my poetry, now then I did in previous years...Last year I was in attendance to the Slam League's Championship showcase, and it blew me away. These were kids just like me, who'd written everything they couldn't have said any other way, and they were baring it all to all of us. So many people were touched, and everyone could relate to something that had been said that night, and I decided I wanted to give that same feeling to people one day. This wasn't my first choice project, but out of everything I proposed doing for this project, this is something I can truly say is important to me and has my undivided attention. I hope what I'm presenting with this project brings people at least half as much inspiration as I felt that night.
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