Slide Remix

slide Remix (2)

From my original Slide, I learned that I should try experimenting more with a tangent versus image bleeding, and I feel that I have reached a slightly better balance.  I’ve also removed the SpaceX logo as the rockets already have them, and I’ve removed one of the rockets for the symmetry of having 3 words of “Earth, Mars, and Beyond” and 3 rockets.    I’ve learned from Presentation Zen that I should still keep it as simple as possible and not overload the audience with information.  

I’ve slightly edited the design from a simple black and white into a dark indigo color which is more pleasing to the eye, while still contrasting sharply with the white rockets and white words.  I’ve changed it after looking for more color palettes on Colourlovers and found a palette with a dark color and white.  I’ve increased the size slightly of “The Future” at the top from learning about size on Zach Holman.  

In conclusion, I’ve learned that a tangent is harder to separate from image bleeding.  I’ve learned that color palettes can make a huge a difference in how pleasing an image can look and the contrast is important to making an image more vibrant and pop.  Although it is better than my old slide however, there are some small tweaks that can be made somewhere and nothing is fully perfect.  

