So... We're still here..

 I'm so glad that this nonsense is over.

My dad's friend who honestly believed that the world was going to end, who is now located at friends hospital for his crazy behavior left my father three voicemails.

1st. "Hi Danny, We have about a week left, I hope you get yourself together so we can both go, but as of now.. I hope you come see me, I took off of work, might as well relax at home. Call me."

2nd. "Danny, you haven't called me back, There is only two days left, I really hope you come see me. My wife keeps calling me crazy... I just want her to be saved. I'm so nervous. Call me back Danny."

3rd. (sobbing) It's past six and I'm still here, (sobbing harder) I got left behind danny... I don't know what to do... My wife left she wont let my son come see me, the only person who came to say goodbye was my daughter and grandson.. YOu didn't even come danny. But.. I guess there's nothing I can do... I got left behind (crying.)"

.... He seems suicidal to me.
